
Prof (Mrs) Chandravathany G Devadason,
Rector / Trincoamlee Campus, EUSL & Professor in Zoology,
B.Sc(Hons), M.Sc( Aquatic Pathobiology, UK), M.Phil(Fish Microbiology, UK), Ph.D (Food Science and Technology, LK &JP)

E-mail -: 

Phone :-(+94) 26 2227 410 
Fax :-(+94) 26 2227 411 

Academic RecordAdmin RolesCoordinator/ Team Leader / National/International ProjectsExperiencesActivityTeachingPublicationAwards
  • Doctor of Philosophy-Wayamba University of Sri Lanka & Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan
  • Master of Philosophy- University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
  • Master of Science (MSc) – University of Stirling, UK, Scotland, UK
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Zoology, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
  • 2022 Feb on wards Rector Trincomalee Campus
  • 2019- to date Head of Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • 2007-2010 Dean of faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • 2003-2006 Head of Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • 2000- 2003 Head of Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • 1999- 2019 Warden, Women’s Hostel, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (15 Aca.years)
  • 2005-2006 Student Counsellor, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • 2004-2011 – Acting Director, Centre for Aquatic Resource Management (CARM)
  • 2009 (3 months) – Acting post- Actg. Vice Chancellor, EUSL
  • Preparation of Zonal Plan for Shrimp Development Project in Batticaloa, Teamleader- National Project- 1.6 million
  • Coordinator for International Project- IDRC funded project collaborated with Wayamba University of Sri Lanka- 1.5 million
  • Coordinator , NECCTEP project – 1.2 million
  • Activity Coordinator- ELTA/ELSE project – World bank-100million
  • Tsunami -Ecological housing Project – Collaborated with Moratuwa University
  • Coordinator/Student Welfare- IRQUE project 2004- (World bank project)
  • Coordinator/ Master of Science in Science Education
  • Coordinator / Shrimp farming project Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
  • Associate Professor, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2019 to date
  • Temporary Assistant Lecturer, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka from 1986 to 1987
  • Temporary Assistant Lecturer, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 1988 to 1989
  • Lecturer (Probationary), Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 1990 to 1993
  • Lecturer (Confirmed), Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 1994 to 1999
  • Senior Lecturer GR II, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2000 to 2005
  • Senior Lecturer GR I, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2006 to 2019
  • Research staff in Marine Laboratory, SOAEFD, Torry Aberdeen,UK from 1993 to 1996
Academic Professional Membership
  • Head, Department of Zoology (2 terms) From July 2000 to June 2003, Nov 2004 to Oct 2007, 2019- to date.
  • Senior Lecturer Gr I in Department of Zoology since 2005- 2019
  • Coordinator/ Master in Science Education since 2011 to 2014, 2020 to date
  • Editor of Journal of Science since 2011 to 2014
  • Dean Faculty of Science from Oct 2007 to Sep 2010 (03 years)
  • Acting Vice Chancellor, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for three months in 2011.
  • Coordinator/ Student needs IRQUE project in 2005-2007
  • Member of Curriculum Committee from 2005 to 2007
  • Member of Library Committee from 2004 to 2006
  • Member of Research Committee from 2005 to 2007
  • Student Counsellor, 2003
  • Warden, Women Hostel, since 1999 to 2019 ( 15 years)
  • Acting Director for Centre for Aquatic Resource Management from Nov2003 till 2014.
  • Member of Faculty Board of Science from 1990 to date.
  • Member of Senate, Eastern University, Science, from June2003 to July 2006
  • Member of Senate, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from Nov 2004 to Oct2010, 2019 to date.
  • Member of Council, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from Oct 2007 to Oct 2010.
  • Member of Standing Committee of Science from Oct 2007 to Oct 2010
  • Member of Post Graduate Institute of Science from Oct 2007 to Oct 2010.
  • Member of Research Committee, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, May 2005 to Sep2007
  • Chairman of Sports Advisory Committee, 2005/06, 2006/07
  • Member of Post Graduate Standing Committee of Science from Oct 2007 to Oct 2010
  • Member for FHCS developing committee 2004, 2005
  • Act Dean for developing Faculty of Applied Sciences, Trincomalee campus
  • Member of Ethical Review Committee, NSF
  • Actg Dean / Science for 1 year- 2006
  • Actg Head/Zoology for 2003(3 months), 2004-1month, 2019- 1 month
  • Council Member for OWSD/ National Academy of Science , Sri Lanka-2021
Society Development Role
  • Development of fisheries – Eastern Province
  • Shimp Farming Development – Batticaloa District
  • Science workshop for A.L students- Eastern Province
  • A.L Teachers’ Practical workshop – Eastern Province
  • E.Kalvi coordinator – Batticaloa District
  • Patron of Eastern University Christian Fellowship.
  • Provided Lap top (25) for teachers in Manmunai West, Vakarai and Pattipalai
  • Workshops for fisher community – Co-management, Fish processing etc- Eastern
  • Workshops for shrimp and fish farming community, funded World Vision, Zoe, GTZ
  • Attending fisheries and shrimp farming developmental meeting conducted by GA/Batticaloa
  • Vice President/ 2006, Pioneer member , Campus Lions Club
  • Cellbiology and Biochemistry
  • Fish biology and Fisheries & Aquaculture
  • Fish and shellfish diseases, Aquatic pathobiology
  • Fish Microbiology & Immunology
  • Nutritional biochemistry
  • Post harvest technology
Research/ Thesis Produced
  • M.Sc – The study of Lysozyme levels in the Atlantic Salmon and Dissertation submitted for M.Sc, University of Stirling,UK, 1993
  • M.Phil -An in vitro culture of Salmon louse, Lepeoptherius salmonis (Kroyer ), A thesis submitted for M.Phil, University of Aberdeen, UK 1998
  • Ph.D – Impact of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty acid, Tocopherol content in Fish Consumption pattern on Prevalence on Cardio Vascular Diseases in Eastern Sri Lanka, WUSL, 2017 .
Research Publications /SCI Index Paper/Referred Journal
  • Devadawson,C and Jayasinghe,C and Sivaganesan,R (2015).Fish availability and Consumer preference in Batticaloa District in Sri Lanka, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 3(1), 23-31.
  • Devadawson* Chandravathany, Chamila Jayasinghe and Ramaiah Sivakanesan,(2015).Socio-demographic factors and fish eating trends in eastern community, Sri Lanka, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 3(5),423-429 [doi: ].
  • Chandravathany Devadawson, Chamila Jayasinghe , Ramiah Sivakanesan and Naohiro Gotoh (2016) Comparative analysis of lipid content and fatty acid composition of commercially important fish and shellfish from Sri Lanka and Japan, Journal of Oleic Science, 65(7), 543-556.
  • Chandravathany Devadawson, Chamila Jayasinghe , Ramiah Sivakanesan and Arulnithy Kanagasingham (2016). Assessment of Lipid Profile and Atherogenic indices for cardiovascular disease risk based on different fish consumption habits Asian Journal of Phamaceutical and Clinical Research , 9 (4), 156-160.
  • Chandravathany Devadawson, Chamila Jayasinghe and Naohiro Gotoh (2016).Assessment of feeding habits on the fatty acid composition and tocopherol content in the muscles of fresh water fishes, Journal of Aquaculture Development,Research , 7: 6 (Suppl) ,40,
  • Chandravathany Devadawson, Chamila Jayasinghe and Raimah Sivakanesan,(2016). Fatty acid compositions and atherogenic and thrombogenic indices of commonly consumed marine, brackish, and fresh water fishes, Indian Journal of Animal Research DOI:10.18805/ijar.v0iOF.7254, ISSN:0367-6722 / Online ISSN:0976-0555.
  • Chandravathany Devadawson, Kanagasingham Arulnithy ,Ramiah Sivakanesan and Chamila Jayasinghe (2016). Role of fish consumption on serum cholesterol level in lipoprotein fractions: a comparative study in different kinds of fish-consuming health controls and patients, Biomedical Research, 27(4).
  • Samanthika Senarath, Kazuaki Yoshinaga, Toshiharu Nagai, Akihiko Yoshida,Fumiaki Beppu, Chamila Jayasinghe, Chandravathany Devadawson and Naohiro Gotoh (2017). Quantitative Analysis of the Distribution of cis-Eicosenoic Acid Positional Isomers in Marine Fishes from the Indian Ocean, Journal of Oleo Science, 65(8) ,1-11, doi 10.5650/jos.ess16155.
  • Chandravathany Devadason and Chamila Jayasinghe. (2017). Effects of feeding and nutrition status of freshwater fishes on muscle with lipid fatty acid composition and tocopherol contents, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Studies,5(2), 492- 497.
  • Devadason, C. (2018). Lysozyme level during acute infection of bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida sub spp salmonicida in halibut and Atlantic salmon, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 6(1),236-242.
  • Chandravathany Devadason (2018). In vitro culture of Fish louse, Lepeptheirus salmonis in the host cell line ,Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, L, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 6(3), 617 – 622.
  • Chandravathany Devadason. (2018).Effects of fish consumption on cardiovascular factors, British Journal of Phamaceutical and Medical Research 3(5), 1383-1394.
  • Chandravathany Devadason, (2019). Immunological interaction between fish louse , Lepeopththerius salmonis and the host Atlantic SalmonSalmo salar ,L. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 7(1), 95-102.
  • Devadason.C (2019).Fish Consumption and Effects on Cardio vascular Diseases in Sri Lanka,British Journal of Bio-Medical Research , 03(06), 1182-1201.
  • Chandravathany Devadason (2021). Consumer trend and fish distribution in fish markets in Batticaloa district , Eastern Sri Lanka, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies . 9(1), 18-22.
  • Diviya Rajamanickam and C.G Devadason (2021) .”Histopathological Alterations in Gill, Liver, And Brain of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus), International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research ,10(03), 149-153.
  • Chandravathany Devadawson, Effects of different type of processing methods on biochemical changes of Skipjack Tuna Katsuwonus pelamis, International Journal of Science and Research ,10(04), 40-45.
  • Chandravthany Devadason (2021). Aeromonas hydrophila infection on culturing sea bass (Lates calcarifer) in Valachchennai lagoon, Batticaloa. Agricultural Science Digest, D-350.
  • Chandravathany Devadason (2021). Impacts on Fish Consumption on Cardiovascular Risk Profiles. On review.
Full Paper Publications in Conference Referred Proceedings
  • Rajaratnam,S, Devadason,C.G1andRaveendranath,S(2006).Histopathological and Clinical effects of Carbofuran and MCPA on dwarf cat fish (Macrones keltius), Proceedings of 5th Annual Research Session of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, pp162-169.
  • Aravinthy, S. Sangeetha C.M and 1Devadason, C.G.S (2006).Development of Fish feed using locally available feed ingredients to Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) with low host, Proceedings of 5th Annual Research Session of Eastern University, SriLanka, pp 8-14.
  • Devadason,C.G.S (2002). Occurrence of Acute Fish Mortality in Batticaloa Lagoon,Eastern Sri Lanka-A Diagnostic Study, Proceedings of Annual Research Session pp15-27
  • Balasundaram,C (2002). Examining of the Health Status of the Fish and Shellfish harvested from Valaichennai lagoon by the histopathological screening, Proceedings of Regional Symposium for Environment and Natural Resources, KaulaLampur, Malaysia, Vol–II, pp 8-12.
  • Balasundaram.C(2000), The Health Status of the Fish and Shellfish harvested From the Valaichenai Lagoon by histopathological screening, Proceedings of First Annual Research Session , pp1-15.
Abstract Publication in International & National Conferences
  • Devadawson C.*, Sivakanesan R., Chandrasekara A Arulnithy K. and Jayasinghe C.V.L (2017). Effects of consumption of processed marine fish on cardiovascular risk factors, Proceedings of Wayamba Congress-2017, 81-82. ISBN-978-955-4709-46-1.
  • Devadawson, C., Sivakanesan, R., Gotoh, N and Jayasinghe, C.V.L. (2016). Fatty acid composition, alpha tocopherol and nutritional health indices of some marine fin fishes, Proceedings of the Wayamba University International Conference, pp157 (WIN-2016).
  • Devadawson,C., Arulnithy,K., Sivakanesan,R and Jayasinghe,C.(2016). Fish Consumption and effects on CardioVascular Risk Profiles: A study among Sri Lankan Community. OWSD International Conference 2016, Kuwait, Doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3891.0961.
  • Chandravathany Devadawson, Chamila Jayasinghe and Naohiro Gotoh. (2016).Assessment of feeding habits of Sri Lankan fishes on their muscle lipid fatty acid composition and tocopherol contents, 2nd Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries, 7:6 (suppl),
  • Devadawson, C and Jayasinghe, C. (2014). Consumer Preferences and Fish availability in Rural and Urban Fish markets in Batticaloa District, Eastern Sri Lanka, Wayamba University International Conference 2014, pp189(WINC-2014).
  • Devadason, C.G. and Riyas Ahemed, A.M.(2012). Zooplankton as bioindicator of environmental quality in the Northern stretch of Batticaloa Lagoon: Anthropogenic infleuences and interactions, National conference on Marine Fish and Shellfish Immunology and Immunotechnology, Annamali University, India, pp50.
  • Devadason, C.G. (2012). Production of Fingerlings from common carp ( Cyprinus Carpio) by artificially induced Breeding using Ovaprim in captive conditions, National Conference on Marine Fish and Shellfish Immunology and Immunotechnology, Annamalai University, India, pp24.
  • Devadason, C.G. Jayaruban.S, and Suthaharan.S.(2012). Study of Existing Management in the Culture Based Fisheries and Pond Culture Development in Two Seasonal Lakes in Batticaloa District, Annual Science Research Session 2012, South Eastern University, Sri Lanka, pp9.
  • Devadason,C.G and Suthaharan,S. (2008). Co- Management of Fisheries in Some Selected Perennial Lakes to ensure sustainability of fresh water fish resources in Batticaloa District, Proceedings of International conference on Biological Conservation and Management ( BIOCAM 2008) , Cochin, India pp35.
  • Devadason.C.G and Ajith Gunaratne (2007). Preparation of Zonal Plan for the Development of Shrimp farm in Batticaloa District, Workshop at NARA, (2007).
  • SriMaththuri, S and Devadason, C.G (2008). Development of suitable preservation method for Mackeral (Rastrelliger kanagurta) to cater the sustainable livelihood in rural and urban areas in Eastern Sri Lanka, International conference on Biological Conservation and Management (BIOCAM 2008) , Cochin, India pp 133.
  • A.Sangeetha, C.G.Devadason and S. Aravinthy ( 2007). Proceedings of the 25thAnniversary Scientific Conference of NARA on Tropical Aquatic research Towards Sustainable Development , Sri Lanka, pp 11 .
  • Devadason, C.G and Suthaharan,S. (2006). Co- Management of Fisheries in Two medium sized Perennial Lakes in Batticaloa district, 6th Annual Research Session 2007,Trinco campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, pp21.
  • Aravinthy, S, Sangeetha C.M and Devadason, C.G.S.(2006). Development of Fish feed using locally available feed ingredients to Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) with low host, Proceeding of 5th Annual Research Session of Eastern University, SriLanka.
  • Rajaratnam, S., Devadason, C.G and Raveendranath, S (2006). Histopathological and Clinical effects of Carbofuran and MCPA on dwarf cat fish (Macrones keltius),Proceedings of 5th Annual Research Session of Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  • Walton,T, Green, D and Devadason C.G.S.. (2006). Socio- economic and Environmental issues associated with small pelagic and Dermersal Fin- fish production CPUE, and Species Composition in Small Scale Fisher Communities Before and After Tsunami, Batticaloa District, Batticaloa, International Conference, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, pp 23.
  • Sangeetha, C and Devadason,C.G (2006). A feasibility study for pen culture development in Unnichchai reserviour, International Symposium held in Sabragamuwa University, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka. pp,333 .
  • Aravinthy, S, Sangeetha C.M and Devadason (2006). Development of Fish feed using locally available feed ingredients to Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) with low host, 5th Annual Research Session of eastern University, Sri lanka, pp3.
  • Rajaratnam, S., Devadason, C.G and Raveendranath, S. (2006). Histopathological and Clinical effects of Carbofuran and MCPA on dwarf cat fish (Macrones keltius), 5th Annual Research Session of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, pp 25.
  • Devadason. C.G. (2005). Capture Fisheries Management for Fresh water system,Awareness Workshop on Inland Fisheries Development in Batticaloa District, May 2005.
  • Devadason. C.G.(2005). Farming, Is it feasible to develop in Inland water system?,Awareness Workshop on Inland Fisheries Development in Batticaloa District, May 2005.
  • Devadason. C.G. (2005). Investigation of Massive fish death in Batticaloa Lagoon,Eastern Sri Lanka, VIth Diseases of Asian Aquaculture Symposium held in colombo.
  • Sellathurai,S & Devadawson, C.G. (2005). Quality assessment of Fish (herrings sp) using traditional method,paper presented in 5th International Conference of TWOWS (2005), Bangalore, India.
  • Rajaratnam,S, and Devadawson (2002). Quality assessment of fish (T.niloticus)and Prawn(P.monodon). Annual Research Session of University of Jaffna.
  • Rajaratnam,S, and Devadawson (2003), Pesticide effects on Cat fish population,International Workshop on Technology of Pesticide , Kandy, Sri Lanka.
  • Balasundaram, C. (2002). Histopathological screening of fish and shellfish,Valaichenai Lagoon, Regional Symposium for Environment and Natural Resources Kaulalampur, Malaysia.
  • Devadawson, C.G. (2002). Occurrence of fish mortality in Batticaloa lagoon- A pathological study. Annual Research Session 2001, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.pp05.
  • Devadawson, C.G. (2002). Occurrence of fish mortality in Batticaloa lagoon- A pathological study. Annual Research Session 2001, Eastern University, SriLanka.pp05.
  • Balasundaram,C.(2001). Histopathological screening of fish and shell fish harvested from Valaichennai lagoon, Sri Lanka, Regional Symposium for Environment and Natural Resources , Kaulalampur, Malaysia.
  • Balasundaram,C.(2001). Histopathological screening of fish and shell fish harvested from Valaichenai lagoon, Sri Lanka, ARS 2000, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, pp21
  • Balasundaram,C. Bricknell ,I.R., Ellis,A.E.and Melvin,W.T. (2000). Inhibition of macrophage infiltration and Phagocytosis in the host, Atlantic salmon (Salmosalar.L)during salon louse, Lepophtherius salomis (Kroyer,1837) infection in vitro, Second Congress of the Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia Oceania, Thailand, pp240 .
  • Balasundaram,C., Bricknell,.R., Ellis,A.E. and Melvin, W.T.(1999). An investigation on cell-mediated immunological response in the Atlantic salmon against the salmon louse Lepeophtherius salmonis (Kroyer,1837) infection in vitro, Fifth Annual Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and aquatic Resources, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp6.
  • Balasundaram, C., Bricknell, I.R. and Ellis,A.E.(1998). A study of lysozyme levels and serum killing activity in Atlantic salmon, Halibut and Turbot, 10th International Congress of Immunology, New Delhi, India, pp 621.
  • Balasundaram, C., Bricknell,I,R., Ellis,A.E. and Melvin,W.T.(1996). The cultivation of the attached stages of Salmon louse Lepeophtherius salmois (Kroyer,1837) in vitro, Symposium of Methodology of Fish Diseases, SOAEFD, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, UK, pp21.
  • Balasundram,C., Bricknell,I.R.,Ellis,A.E. and Melvin, W.T.(1996). The cultivation of the attached stages of salmon louse Lepeophtherius salmonis (Kroyer,1837) in vitro, Proceedings of the Symposium of Methodology of Fish Diseases, SOAEFD,Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, UK.
  • Balasundaram,C. Bricknell,I.R., Ellis,A.E., Mundro,A.L.S and Melvin, W.T (1995), An in vitro culture for the cultivation of early stages of Lepeophtherius Salmonis (Kroyer, 1837), European Association of Fish Pathologists Seventh International Conference for Fish and Shellfish Diseases, Poster, p261, Palmo Majorca, Spain.
  • SUMUTHUNI .S1, THANUSANTH,S1, HARRIS1 A.M, DEVADASON1 .C, KISHORAN2.S.(2020). Case study: Prevalence of Aeromonas hydrophila infection on culturing sea bass (Lates calcarifer) in Valachchennai lagoon, Batticaloa., International Symposium , South Eastern University Sri Lanka
Published Books
  • Chandravathany .G.S. Fish and Shell fish Diseases. ISBN 978-955-1443-15-3
  • A guide for fish processing techniques” (Tamil) ISBN 978-955-1443-11-5
  • A guide for Tilapia fish Farming (Tamil) ISBN- 978-953-1443-43-6
  • Good Shrimp farming Practices (Tamil) ISBN-978-955-1443-70-6
  • Good Shrimp farming Practices (English) ISBN- 978-955-1443-69-6
Served as Resource Person/ Consultants
  • Preparation of Zonal Plan for Shrimp farming development 2006-2007 jointly with NARA
  • Proposal Writing for Local Government officers2006 with Asia Foundation
  • Ecological assessment of Tsunami Housing Development 2005 with University of Moratuwa
  • Teachers’ Seminar 2000, 2001, 2002 Eastern Provincial Science teachers
  • Sea Weed Culture Trial with NAQDA Shrimp Farming development Project ,Batticaloa district
  • Technology transfer to the freshwater fisheries community with IFAD
  • Visiting Lecturer, Aquaculture Course, Faculty of Agriculture, 2007,2019,2020,2021
  • Visiting Lecturer, Fundamental in Science, Faculty of Commerce and Management, 2016/2017, 2017/2018
  • Visiting Lecturer, , Aquaculture Productions System, Faculty of Biosystem Technology, 2019
  • External examiner for Eastern Provincial Public Commission, EUSL, SEUSL , FOA,FOT, FCM, SVIAS, UJ
  • Resource person ELTA-ELSA DPs proposal reviewer
  • Resource person SDC /EUSL
International Visit and Research Presentation
  • 1996- Visit to Palmo Majroca, Spain- European Fish Pathological Conference
  • 1996- Biochemical Conference in UK -University of Aberdeen
  • 1995- Research Symposium in UK- SOAEFD ( Scottish office of Agriculture ,Environment and Fisheries Department, Scotland
  • 1998- 10th International Immunological Congress in New Delhi- India
  • 2001- FIMSA -International Conference – Federation of Immunological Society of Asia Oceania- Bangkok , Thailand
  • 2001- Regional Symposium for Environment and Natural Resources Kaulalampur, Malaysia.
  • 2005- 5th International Conference of TWOWS (2005), Bangalore, India.
  • 2008-International conference on Biological Conservation and Management (BIOCAM 2008) , Cochin, India
  • 2010- Singapour Commenwealth Training, Singapour.
  • 2009- South Korean Training – Soul, South Korea
  • 2012- National Conference on Marine Fish and Shellfish Immunology and Immunotechnology, Annamalai University, India
  • 2015 – Research Symposium – Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan
  • 2016- OWSD International Conference 2016, Kuwait
  • 2016- 2nd Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur Malasiya
  • Sabaratnam memorial Interventional research award for SCI research (2017)
  • Kumaraswamy memorial Observational research award for SCI research publications (2016)
  • UGC/PG award (2014)
  • AMETEC grant for Training Oil Chemistry/Marine Pollution- 2009 (Two weeks Training)
  • Singapore Cooperation and Commonwealth – 2009- (2 weeks training)
  • FIMSA award -2001( Presentation & International Conference attendance)
  • CIDA award-1998 (Presentation & International Conference attendance)
  • ODA – TCT award, British Council- 1992-1996 (M.Sc/MPhil)
  • Research Scholarship- Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology,Japan